
History: Debugging

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One-way audio

1) Reverse the SIPbroker changes, so that your adapter is set up the way it was before you ever visited the SIPbroker.com web site.
2) Call 1-800-FREE-411 or sip:613@fwd.pulver.com or your SIP proxy's echo test number. Say something. If there's no response, you have a "one-way audio" problem that has nothing to do with SIPbroker, so follow your SIP proxy's recommended method for fixing it (usually involves adding a STUN setting). If you have a "one-way audio" problem, do NOT proceed-- you MUST fix this problem before doing anything else.
3) Set up SIPbroker by adding the appropriate Dial Plan for your adapter.
4) Call 1-604-484-5289, extension 600. Say something. If you don't hear your own voice echoed back, you have a "one-way audio" problem. If you followed the instructions in step #2 and did NOT have a "one-way audio" problem there, but you *do* have a "one-way audio" problem now, then it's a problem caused by SIPbroker, so please post details in the SIPbroker forum. (If you had a "one-way audio" problem in step #2, please do NOT post in the forum, because it has nothing to do with SIPbroker.)


Information Version
Tue 03 of Apr, 2012 01:14 AEST teofeel 6
Fri 18 of Mar, 2011 03:13 AEST nsc 5
Sat 12 of Mar, 2011 13:59 AEST david2011 4
Mon 31 of Oct, 2005 06:30 AEST voip247 3
Mon 31 of Oct, 2005 06:29 AEST voip247 2
Mon 31 of Oct, 2005 06:28 AEST voip247 1

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