


One-way audio

1) Reverse the SIPbroker changes, so that your adapter is set up the way it was before you ever visited the SIPbroker.com web site.
2) Call 1-800-FREE-411 or sip:613@fwd.pulver.com or your SIP proxy's echo test number. Say something. If there's no response, you have a "one-way audio" problem that has nothing to do with SIPbroker, so follow your SIP proxy's recommended method for fixing it (usually involves adding a STUN setting, or buying a different router). If you have a "one-way audio" problem, do NOT proceed-- you MUST fix this problem before doing anything else.
3) Set up SIPbroker by adding the appropriate dial plan for your adapter.
4) Call 1-604-484-5289, extension 600. Say something. If you don't hear your own voice echoed back, you have a "one-way audio" problem. If you followed the instructions in step #2 and did NOT have a "one-way audio" problem there, but you *do* have a "one-way audio" problem now, then it's a problem caused by SIPbroker, so please post details in the SIPbroker forum. (If you had a "one-way audio" problem in step #2, please do NOT post in the forum, because it has nothing to do with SIPbroker.) comparateur forfait forfait mobile illimite comparateur forfait bloque forfait mobile internet forfait sosh comparateur forfait

Created by voip247. Last Modification: Tuesday 03 of April, 2012 01:14:56 AEST by teofeel.

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